
The future of fashion: Rebranding innovative AI model company Lalaland

Case video

The challenge

Despite its cutting-edge AI tech, Lalaland struggled to stand out in a crowded eCommerce sector, highlighting the need for an impactful brand identity.

The goal

To expand brand presence and better resonate with fashion brands by emphasising Lalaland’s unique ability to demonstrate diversity through AI models.

The how

By developing a rebranding strategy that includes a reimagined visual identity and compelling narrative around cost-effective, diverse AI model generation.


Brand strategy

Brand personality

Visual identity


Case video

The approach

As a true tech-powered disruptor, Lalaland generates AI fashion models for eCommerce brands, allowing them to showcase their collections on diverse models that mirror their customers. This gives smaller fashion houses the chance to achieve a varied aesthetic, without the high cost of multiple photoshoots.


“Donut cookie oat cake jelly cake sugar plum croissant caramels muffin. Lemon drops caramels jelly jujubes sweet tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears. Tart shortbread powder jelly jelly-o chocolate cake icing.”

- Founders - Glenn & Geert

The result

Donut cookie oat cake jelly cake sugar plum croissant caramels muffin. Lemon drops caramels jelly jujubes sweet tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears. Tart shortbread powder jelly jelly-o chocolate cake icing. Cake chocolate cake macaroon jelly croissant sesame snaps. Biscuit croissant tiramisu powder oat cake soufflé powder apple pie.

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